Lookalike marketing powered by artificial intelligence The Holistic Model does not assume that buyers will move through the traditional stages in the linear sequence or time frame that we expect. Rather, this model simply observes what actions prospects take and when they buy. It then constructs a set of probabilities for each prospect. Then, depending on what action the prospect takes, the Holistic Model predicts what is likely to happen next. The Holistic Model is meant to capture the natural complexity of how accounts move. Each account is “free” to follow its own unique journey toward becoming a customer. Along the way, we can use data to surmise what actions we can take to maximize the odds of a sale. Task Standard Model Holistic Model (Optimization in Isolation) (Full Funnel Optimization) Build Audience and You define campaigns in shallow terms You build an audience and personas Personas such as industry, headcount, or based upon the deep characteristics revenue. that determine what companies need and how they buy. Create and Use Contact You collect contact data for as many You prioritize accounts with a Data companies as you can and prioritize statistically higher probability of closing. accounts in an ad hoc manner. Qualify Accounts Qualification is driven by prospects Qualification is driven by exhibiting “raising their hands.” behaviors that are statistically correlated with buying. The Holistic Model is more complex than the Standard Model, with every step connected to every other step. Data flows freely across the entire demand generation process. All that matters is that you know which audience to target and which leads have the greatest probability of closing. Moreover, this model can tell you what information these prospects will need in order to buy. LeadCrunchN. America HQ, 101 W. Broadway #200, San Diego, CA 92009 www.leadcrunch.ai ▪ 888-708-6649 ▪ [email protected]

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