7 Data-Driven Reasons Why B2B Demand Gen Fails 2. Clearly define your numbers game. You need to set up your B2B matrix and fill in the values. You then need to define the types of questions you want to ask and how the matrix will answer each one. Filling in matrix values is no small task. It requires us to estimate the probability of a transaction between any pair of companies. That requires deep, detailed, and accurate data about both the buyer and seller. It also requires knowledge about different types of transactions, how they happen, what prevents them from happening, when they happen, and when they don’t happen. Machine learning is the right tool for this big, complex job. 3. Use tools that let you efficiently and intelligently “play numbers games.” Every seller is different and every marketing campaign is unique. You need a model that creates the right custom B2B matrix required to answer your specific questions. Then, as you run campaigns, you need to feed the results back into your automated learning engine. PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER But you need to use data science to avoid the minefield that accompanies the task of generating high quality leads. Using data science, you can pinpoint high quality sales leads—the kind that you can close deals quickly and efficiently. And doing that can boost your company’s revenues dramatically. About the Author: Steve Biafore is the Chief Science Officer at LeadCrunch. Steve has 20+ years experience in predictive analytics and data science and has authored numerous analytics patents. Steve has built multiple analytics businesses in the financial, retail and healthcare industries. He was part of the $820 million acquisition of HNC by FICO where he was a co-inventor the Falcon™ fraud detection system, one of the first successful real-time neural network products. It is still the dominant solution in the financial industry for fraud detection. ♛ Contact us [email protected] * 888-708-6649 * www.leadcrunch.ai 101 W. Broadway #200, San Diego, CA 92101 www.leadcrunch.ai 8 www.leadcrunch.com

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